Rey's Puzzles
Difficulties are marked according to the Logic Masters Germany scale. These are just my best guesses, so please let me know if you have a different opinion!
Shrug #
Published on June 21, 2024.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Sudoku, Arrows, Killer Cages
Hedge Maze #
Published on May 19, 2024.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Sudoku, Arrows, Killer Cages, Odd/Even
Maria #
Published on March 9, 2024.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Sudoku, Killer Cages
River #
Published on July 27, 2023.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Sudoku, Renban, Killer Cages

Pointer Fillomino #
Published on July 24, 2023.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Fillomino
Divide the grid into orthogonally connected regions such that no two regions of the same size share an edge. Also place a number in each cell indicating the size of the region it is in.
Arrows indicate that the nearest cell with value n in the indicated direction is n cells away, where n is the digit in the arrow.
An example puzzle is shown below.
First Burn #
Published on May 3, 2023.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Suguru, Chaos Deconstruction, German Whispers, Ambiguity, Odd/Even
Suguru: Fill some cells in the grid with the digits 1-9 such that no digit repeats in a row or column. All digits must belong to a region, which is a collection of orthogonally connected cells. A region of size n contains the digits 1 through n once each. Regions may not touch each other orthogonally, although they may touch each other diagonally.
Whisper/Scream Lines Ambiguity: Each line is either a Whisper or a Scream; the solver must determine which. Adjacent digits on a Whisper line differ by 5 or more. Adjacent digits on a Scream line differ by 2 or more, and furthermore, every digit on a Scream must be high (6789).
If two cells along the same Whisper line are not on an orthogonally connected path along the line, then they must not be in the same region. This rule does NOT apply for Scream lines.
All branches of a line are considered the same line.
Odd/Even: Digits in a gray circle are odd. Digits in a gray square are even.
Any cell containing a line, Odd, or Even clue must have a digit in it.
9x9 Skyscraper Thermos #
Published on March 23, 2023.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Sudoku, Skyscrapers, Thermometers
Monster Without A Name #
Published on March 11, 2023.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Sudoku, Chaos Construction, Monster Cages
This puzzle is a chaos construction. Cages indicate the product of each region sum contained in a cage. For instance, if a 4-cell cage contained 1,2 in one region and 3,4 in another region, its total would be (1+2)x(3+4)=80. Cages may be contained in one region, in which case, the total is just the sum of the cells. Digits may not repeat in a cage.
X-Lines Sudoku #
Published on February 14, 2023.
Difficulty: 4
Tags: Sudoku, X-Lines, Killer Cages
On an X-Line, if X is on the line then so must 10-X. Digits may repeat on a line, so 1159 would be a valid X-Line.